Time Lab
Registration is closed due to overwhelming response.
Thank you for your tremendous interest!
Vacation Bible School (VBS) is a school holiday programme, where children can grow to love Christ. Each day is action-packed with Bible lessons, worship sessions, arts and crafts, science projects and learning about mission work. We hope that God will transform the hearts and lives of our children through His powerful Word.
Our theme this year is Time Lab: Discovering Jesus from Eternity Past to Eternity Future. Who is Jesus? He is the Alpha and Omega, the Creator, Yahweh, the Son of God and the Righteous Judge. He is transcendent, and yet, has chosen to be close and personal with us.
These lessons will show our children that our Lord is the same yesterday, today and forevermore. The Lord who brought his people out of Egypt; the Lord that calmed the storms, is the same Lord they can walk with today. Jesus has always had a plan for this world and has been active throughout its history. In the same way, He has a plan for each child as a part of the great narrative of His story.
Monday - Wednesday,
8-10 July 2024
Morning tea will be provided. BYO Lunch.
Early Bird: $70/child
for 3 days
Pick-up and Drop-off
$15/child for 3 days